Vše Interpret Skladba Album
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 1. Mark Twain  My Platonic Sweetheart  LibriVox Short Story Collection Vol. 033 
 2. Pink Priest  Platonic Headdress  Goddess 
 3. yonner.co.uk  I love you but it's purely platonic   
 4. yonner.co.uk  I love you but it's purely platonic   
 5. Asko Ensemble and Bas Wiegers  Platonic ID (2006) -excerpt-  Platonic ID 
 6. Manly P. Hall  Zodiac & The Great Platonic Year  Astrotheology Part 1 of 5 
 7. Common Rotation  Sweetheart   
 8. Red Nichols and his Five Pennies  Nobody's Sweetheart  78 rpm Brunswick 3854 
 9. arr. Richard Walters - from American Folksongs  Once I Had a Sweetheart   
 10. arr. Richard Walters - from American Folksongs  Once I Had a Sweetheart   
 11. arr. Richard Walters - from American Folksongs  Once I Had a Sweetheart   
 12. Sarah White and Ted Pitney  Sweetheart  Sweetheart 
 13. Tiger Baby  Sweetheart  Tiger Baby Remix 
 14. The Blow  Sweetheart   
 15. Bob Dylan  Sweetheart Like You  Infidels   
 16. Bob Dylan  Sweetheart Like You  Outfidel Intakes D1   
 17. Bob Dylan  Sweetheart Like You  Outfidel Intakes D2   
 18. Paul Whiteman and his Orch. v/ Jack Teagarden  Nobody's Sweetheart  78 rpm Victor 25319 
 19. Paul Whiteman and his Orch.  Nobody's Sweetheart  Tram! Vol. 2 
 20. Christa Couture  Sweetheart  The Wedding Singer and the Undertaker  
 21. Guido Deiro  My sweetheart (take 1)  Edison Amberol: 743 
 22. Guido Deiro  My sweetheart (take 2)  Edison Amberol: 743 
 23. Alice Stuart  Once I Had A Sweetheart  All The Good Times 
 24. Alice Stuart  Once I Had A Sweetheart  All The Good Times 
 25. Alice Notley  Sweetheart  Buffalo, New York, April 10, 1987 
 26. Shout Out Louds  Oh, Sweetheart  Howl Howl Gaff Gaff   
 27. Ada Jones and Billy Murray  I'm looking for a sweetheart and I think you'll do  Edison Amberol: Special G  
 28. Ada Jones and Billy Murray  I'm looking for a sweetheart and I think you'll do  Edison Standard Record: 10114  
 29. Ben Pollack and his Park Central Orch. v/ Scappy Lambert  Sweetheart We Need Each Other  78 rpm Victor 22101 
 30. Hollywood Dance Orch. v/ Scrappy Lambert  Nobody's Sweetheart  78 rpm Romeo 1215 
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